Category: Affiliations
PVH is one of the world’s largest and most admired fashion companies, connecting with consumers in over 40 countries.
Category: Affiliations
IEDCR stands for Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research.
Category: Affiliations
Hyundai Motor Company has served as the trailblazer of Korea’s automobile industry since rolling out its Pony, developed with its own exclusive technology.
Category: Affiliations
Huawei is a leading global provider of information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure and smart devices.
Category: Affiliations
DHL is the global leader in the logistics industry. Specializing in international shipping, courier services and transportation.
Category: Affiliations
Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. (DBH) is the Pioneer, Largest and Specialist Housing Finance Institution in the Private Sector of Bangladesh.
Category: Affiliations
Banglalink Launched in February 2005, with over 33.69 million subscribers over a decade, Banglalink was the catalyst in making mobile telephony an affordable option for consumers in Bangladesh.
Category: Affiliations
We are one of the world’s leading global health research institutes. Based in Dhaka, Bangladesh, we are committed to solving public health problems facing low- and middle-income countries through innovative scientific research – including laboratory-b
Category: Affiliations
Crown Cement PLC is one of the leading cement manufacturers in Bangladesh with guaranteed product quality producing world class Portland Cement (PC), Portland Composite Cement (PCC), Crown Ready-mix Concrete & Crown Izonil.
Category: Affiliations
GME GROUP Is a pioneer in the health care sector (Medical Imaging) and the biggest importer for medical imaging equipment including consumable since 1966.
Category: Affiliations
Grameenphone is the leading telecom operator with the highest number of subscribers & widest network in Bangladesh, providing the best 4G internet service.
Category: Awards
Quick Knock has achieved Star Performer (ABC/SCP Compliance) Awarded by Grameen Phone Ltd.
Total Listing: 36
Excellent service. The employees are very well mannered and thorough.